Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Butt Kickin' Flu

This winter is officially known at our house as the year flu kicked butt.
Oscar escaped, mostly, but mine had me down for three weeks, and I'm still not back to full stamina.
But I AM better.
Oscar has been kicking butt, too. He has done his cardio every single day for nine days.
I have recorded 'sit and be fit' and a few yoga shows on the DVR to use with hand weights, and plan to do that daily or twice daily.
I'm not even up to swimming yet. When I wheeled myself around the library last week it wiped me out for a few days.
I want to be 100 percent for Saturday, for our planned trip to ConVocation.
It's a huge deal for me.

Mentally, it did me good to get out of the house and go to the library, and it was a good physical reality check too.

The good news is that I've lost another few pounds, down to 342.

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